muTch Feeding Program

Patrick & the children
Ari, Erta, Patrick & Alex singing worship songs for the children!
The chicken & juice popsicles that Rod Lovlie provided for all of the children...thank you Rod!

Rod Lovlie & Yvenel, our newest boy at the orphanage
Alex and the children
Game of dodgeball

It has now been 6 months since Mission Viejo Christian Church launched the muTch Feeding Program at our boys home back in April, and we wanted to say "thank you!" for making this feeding program happen!  It is such an amazing way to show Christ's love to these starving children of Haiti.  These children from our surrounding neighborhood come 3x a week to our feeding program and are fed rice and beans, sing worship songs together, memorize Bible verses, play games such as freeze tag, dodgeball and hot potato, and are taught about the Gospel from various leaders both within our children's homes (i.e. Patrick Touissant, Junior FanFan etc.) as well as elsewhere.  We are now at a maximum capacity of 120 children that are able to attend, but we typically have about 90 children that actually come each time.  Praise God for providing for all of these children!  It is such an incredible ministry for our children and staff to be involved in together in serving our community.  Please be praying that everything we do to serve these children would be done through Him and for Him alone, and that He would receive all of the glory.  Please also be praying that these children would see Christ through our words and actions, and that they would want to have a personal relationship with Him!  To God be the glory forever and ever amen!


Anonymous said...

God bless you all for allowing MVCC to be a part of your world.
Jim D.

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